# Use the official Python 3.11 image FROM --platform=arm64 python:3.11.4-bookworm # ARG BUILDPLATFORM # FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} python:3.11.4-bookworm ENV PYTHONBUFFERED 1 # Install necessary dependencies, including cmake RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ wget \ tar \ cmake \ proj-bin \ libgeos-c1v5 \ libproj-dev \ libfreexl1 \ libminizip-dev \ libspatialite-dev \ gdal-bin \ libsqlite3-mod-spatialite # Create directory RUN mkdir /code # Set the working directory to /code WORKDIR /code # Mirror the current directory to the working directory for hotreloading ADD . /code/ # Install pipenv RUN pip install -r linux-requirements.txt # Make migrations RUN python stude/manage.py makemigrations # Run custom migrate RUN python stude/manage.py custom_migrate # Expose port 8000 for the web server EXPOSE 8000