2023-07-04 19:22:21 +08:00
{% load i18n %}
{% block subject %}
{% blocktrans %}Account activation on {{ site_name }}{% endblocktrans %}
{% endblock subject %}
{% block text_body %}
{% blocktrans %}You're receiving this email because you need to finish activation process on {{ site_name }}.{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Please open the following link to activate your account in-app:" %}
{{ domain }}://{{ url|safe }}
{% trans "Thanks you for using StudE!" %}
{% blocktrans %}The {{ site_name }} team{% endblocktrans %}
{% endblock text_body %}
{% block html_body %}
<p>{% blocktrans %}You're receiving this email because you need to finish activation process on {{ site_name }}.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<p>{% trans "Please go to the following page to activate your account in-app:" %}</p>
2023-07-19 02:38:35 +08:00
<p><a href="{{domain}}://{{url}}">{{ domain }}://{{url}}</a></p>
2023-07-04 19:22:21 +08:00
2023-07-06 17:33:35 +08:00
<p>{% blocktrans %}Many thanks from the {{ site_name }} team{% endblocktrans %}</p>
2023-07-04 19:22:21 +08:00
{% endblock html_body %}