2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- WSL Fix for world-writable directories
2024-10-25 15:54:40 +08:00
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=./ansible.cfg
2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- Ping
2024-10-25 15:57:44 +08:00
ansible all -m ping
2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- Gather facts
2024-10-25 15:56:43 +08:00
2024-10-25 15:57:44 +08:00
ansible all -m gather_facts
# Limit to one device
ansible all -m gather_facts --limit ADDRESS
2024-10-25 16:07:45 +08:00
2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- Elevate command to root user
2024-10-25 16:07:45 +08:00
# This will fail without sudo
ansible all -m apt -a update_cache=true
# This will succeed
2024-10-25 16:07:55 +08:00
# Equivalent to sudo apt-update
ansible all -m apt -a update_cache=true --become --ask-become-me-pass
2024-10-25 16:11:48 +08:00
2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- Install packages
2024-10-25 16:11:48 +08:00
ansible all -m apt -a name=vim --become --ask-become-pass
2024-10-25 16:21:38 +08:00
2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- Install/Update Package (multiple arguments)
2024-10-25 16:21:38 +08:00
2024-10-25 16:22:30 +08:00
ansible all -m apt -a "name=vim state=latest" --become --ask-become-pass
2024-10-25 16:30:38 +08:00
2024-10-25 21:35:23 +08:00
- `sudo apt update` equivalent
2024-10-25 16:30:38 +08:00
ansible all -m apt -a "name=apt state=latest" --become --ask-become-pass
2024-10-28 22:02:58 +08:00
- Specify `username` and `password` credentials when running a playbook
2024-10-28 22:03:06 +08:00
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -u root -k
2025-01-24 01:15:08 +08:00
- Run setup playbook
ansible-playbook roles/tasks/debian/setup.yml --inventory inventory//hosts -u keannu125 -k --ask-become-pass