import base64 import httpx from import BaseCommand from io import BytesIO from documents.models import Document from PIL import Image import pytesseract import fitz import os from config.settings import MEDIA_ROOT from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler from documents.models import Document from config.settings import get_secret from django.core.files import File import logging import time from ollama import Client from pydantic import BaseModel from datetime import date, datetime from typing import Optional import calendar class PDFHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Starting Document Watcher...") def on_created(self, event): if event.is_directory: return None if event.src_path.endswith(".pdf"):"New PDF file detected: {event.src_path}") self.process_pdf(event.src_path) def process_pdf(self, file_path): try: # Get the original filename and directory original_filename = os.path.basename(file_path) original_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) # Check if the filename contains spaces if " " in original_filename: # Create the new filename by replacing spaces new_filename = original_filename.replace(" ", "_") # Construct the new full file path new_file_path = os.path.join(original_dir, new_filename) # Rename the file os.rename(file_path, new_file_path) # Update the filename and file_path variables filename = new_filename file_path = new_file_path else: filename = original_filename metadata = "" document_type = "" with as doc: num_pages = len(doc) # Perform OCR only on the first page page = doc[0] pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=(1.2, 1.2)) # Convert pixmap to bytes img_bytes = pix.tobytes() # Create a BytesIO object img_buffer = BytesIO(img_bytes) # Create a PIL Image object from the bytes img = # Perform OCR text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img).strip() # Try to pass image to the Ollama image recognition API first try: client = Client( host=get_secret("OLLAMA_URL"), auth=httpx.BasicAuth( username=get_secret("OLLAMA_USERNAME"), password=get_secret("OLLAMA_PASSWORD")) if get_secret("OLLAMA_USE_AUTH") else None, ) encoded_image = base64.b64encode( img_buffer.getvalue()).decode() # First LLM API call to determine category class DocumentSchema(BaseModel): category: str = "other" explanation: Optional[str] = None possible_categories = set((Document.objects.all().values_list( "document_type", flat=True), "Documented Procedures Manual", "Form", "Special Order", "Memorandum")) prompt = f""" Read the text from the image and provide a document_type. Possible document types are: {possible_categories}. You are free to create a new one if none are suitable. If the document_type is Special Order or Memorandum, provide the sender of the document under sent_from. Do all of this and return your output in JSON. """ response = model=get_secret("OLLAMA_MODEL"), messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": prompt, "images": [encoded_image]}, ], format=DocumentSchema.model_json_schema(), options={ "temperature": 0 }, ) result = DocumentSchema.model_validate_json( response.message.content) document_type = result.category # Second LLM API call to determine other details class DocumentSchema(BaseModel): sent_from: str = "N/A" subject: str = "N/A" document_date: Optional[date] explanation: Optional[str] = None prompt = f""" Determine who sent the document. Otherwise, return N/A. Identify the subject or possible title of the document. Return the date of the document if it exists. Do all of this and return your output in JSON. """ response = model=get_secret("OLLAMA_MODEL"), messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": prompt, "images": [encoded_image]}, ], format=DocumentSchema.model_json_schema(), options={ "temperature": 0 }, ) result = DocumentSchema.model_validate_json( response.message.content) sent_from = result.sent_from document_date = result.document_date if document_date: document_month = document_date.strftime("%B") document_year = result.document_date.year # Set as none for invalid dates if document_year < 1980: document_month = "no_month" document_year = "no_year" else: document_month = "no_month" document_year = "no_year" # If that fails, just use regular OCR read the title as a dirty fix/fallback except Exception as e: document_type = "other" sent_from = "N/A" document_month = "no_month" document_year = "no_year" self.logger.warning(f"Error! {e}") self.logger.warning( "Ollama OCR offload failed. Using defaults for missing values") metadata += text # Open the file for instance creation DOCUMENT = Document.objects.filter( name=filename.replace(".pdf", "")).first() if not DOCUMENT: DOCUMENT = Document.objects.create( name=filename.replace(".pdf", ""), number_pages=num_pages, ocr_metadata=metadata, document_type=document_type, sent_from=sent_from, document_month=document_month, document_year=document_year ) name=filename, content=File(open(file_path, "rb"))) f"Document '{filename}' created successfully with type '{ document_type}'. sent_from: {sent_from}, document_month: {document_month}, document_year: {document_year}" ) else:"Document '{filename}' already exists.") os.remove(file_path) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error processing PDF: {str(e)}") class PDFWatcher: def __init__(self): = Observer() def run(self): event_handler = PDFHandler() watch_directory = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, "uploads"), watch_directory, recursive=True) try: while True: time.sleep(5) except: class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Runs a dedicated file watcher service" def handle(self, *args, **options): watcher = PDFWatcher()