# Django # Use https://djecrety.ir/ for generation SECRET_KEY = '' # Production Switches BACKEND_DEBUG = 'True' # Seed Data Credentials # Username and emails can be found in seed_data.json SEED_DATA = 'True' SEED_DATA_PASSWORD = '12345' SEED_DATA_ADMIN_PASSWORD = '' # Email Credentials EMAIL_HOST = 'inbucket' EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '' EMAIL_PORT = '1025' EMAIL_USE_TLS = 'False' EMAIL_ADDRESS = 'noreply-testing@drf-template.com' # Database # Have different credentials set on dev, staging, and prod DB_DATABASE = 'drf-template' DB_USERNAME = 'root' DB_PASSWORD = '' DB_HOST = 'postgres' DB_PORT = '5432' DB_SSL_MODE = 'disable' # Redis # Used for DB cache and Celery broker REDIS_HOST = 'redis' REDIS_PORT = '6379' # Celery CELERY_BROKER = 'redis://redis:6379/0' CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://redis:6379/0' CELERY_FLOWER_PORT = 5555 # Stripe STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = '' STRIPE_SECRET_WEBHOOK = '' USE_VAULT = 'False' SERVE_MEDIA = 'False' BACKEND_ADDRESS = 'localhost' BACKEND_PORT = 8000 FRONTEND_ADDRESS = 'localhost' FRONTEND_PORT = 4200 # Set this to 443 in production (HTTPS) USE_HTTPS = 'False' TIMEZONE = 'Asia/Manila' # Cloud Storage # No need to set these if you're not using S3 CLOUD_BUCKET = '' MEDIA_CONTAINER = '' STATIC_CONTAINER = '' # Proxy (For Selenium) USE_PROXY = 'False' # IP-Whitelisted Proxy Address PROXY_IP_WHITELIST = 'proxy-here.com:12345' # Username/Password Proxy Address PROXY_USER_AUTH = 'username:password@proxy-here.com:12345' # CAPTCHA CAPTCHA_TESTING = 'True'