mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 14:08:18 +08:00
Add imports for equipments from csv
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 508 additions and 46 deletions
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ __pycache__/
# Static Media Stuff
# Distribution / packaging
@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ MIDDLEWARE = [
STATIC_URL = 'static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
STATICFILES_STORAGE = "whitenoise.storage.CompressedManifestStaticFilesStorage"
MEDIA_URL = 'api/v1/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')
ROOT_URLCONF = 'config.urls'
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ from django.utils.timezone import now
from simple_history.models import HistoricalRecords
from django.db.models.signals import post_migrate
from django.dispatch import receiver
from config import settings
import csv
import os
class Equipment(models.Model):
@ -44,49 +47,63 @@ class EquipmentInstance(models.Model):
def create_superuser(sender, **kwargs):
if sender.name == 'equipments':
equipment_data = [
'name': 'Pyrex Beaker',
'description': '',
'category': 'Glassware',
'remarks': 'A beaker for storing fluids'
'name': 'Bunsen Burner',
'description': '',
'category': 'Miscellaneous',
'remarks': 'A burner for heating things'
'name': 'Microscope',
'description': '',
'category': 'Miscellaneous',
'remarks': 'A microscope for zooming into tiny objects'
'name': 'Petri Dish',
'description': '',
'category': 'Glassware',
'remarks': 'A petri dish'
root_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'equipment_records')
csv_files = [f for f in os.listdir(root_path) if f.endswith('.csv')]
print('Warning: Postmigration script will migrate without checking for existing item instances')
for csv_file in csv_files:
csv_file_path = os.path.join(root_path, csv_file)
filename = os.path.splitext(csv_file)[0]
print('---', 'Adding Equipments from', filename, '---')
with open(csv_file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
for data in equipment_data:
EQUIPMENT, CREATED = Equipment.objects.get_or_create(
print('Created Equipment: ' + data['name'])
'Generating 3 Equipment Instances for Equipment: ' + data['name'])
# Generate 3 equipment instances per SKU
for x in range(3):
EQUIPMENT_INSTANCE = EquipmentInstance.objects.create(
print('Created Equipment Instances: ' +
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
next(reader) # Skip the header row
for row in reader:
if not any(row):
# Get equipment information
category = filename.split('-')[0]
name = row[2] + ' ' + row[1]
# If quantity is missing, set value as 0
if (row[3] == ''):
available = 0
available = int(row[3])
# If quantity of broken instances is missing, set value as 0
if (row[4] == ''):
broken = 0
available = available - int(row[4])
broken = int(row[4])
def create_instances(a, b, c):
print('Adding', a, 'number of working', c.name)
# Add working equipments
if (a >= 1):
for i in range(a):
equipment=c, status='Available')
if (b >= 1):
print('Adding', a, 'number of broken', c.name)
# Add broken equipments
for i in range(b):
equipment=c, status='Broken')
EQUIPMENT = Equipment.objects.filter(
name=name, category=category).first()
# Check if equipment exists
# If so, add equipment instances
create_instances(available, broken, EQUIPMENT)
# If not, create equipment
# Create the equipment first
EQUIPMENT = Equipment.objects.create(
name=name, category=category)
# Then create the instances
create_instances(available, broken, EQUIPMENT)
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
1,"Beaker, 1000mL",Pyrex,1,,
3,"Beaker, 100mL",Mars Lab,108,12,
5,"Beaker, 150mL",Pyrex,50,11,
8,"Beaker, 250mL",Pyrex,50,13,
11,"Beaker, 400mL",Pyrex,20,1,
14,"Beaker, 50mL",Mars Lab,44,13,
15,"Beaker, 600mL",Pyrex,15,1,
17,"Bell Jar, Micro, Bottom Plate, 1000ml",,1,,PKI donated
18,"Bell Jar, Micro, Bottom Plate, 200ml",,1,,PKI donated
19,"Bell Jar, Micro, Bottom Plate, 500ml",,1,,PKI donated
31,"Bottle, BOD, 300mL",,3,,
34,"Buret, Automatic Auto Refill, 50mL",Kimax,2,,
35,"Buret, Automatic Straight",,3,,
36,"Buret, Glass Stopcock, 50mL",Pyrex,2,,
39,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 10mL",Pyrex,1,,
40,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 25mL",Pyrex,2,,
41,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 50mL",Pyrex,4,,
42,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 50mL",Mars Lab,,,
46,"Column, Distilling, Drip Tip",,1,,PKI donated
47,"Column, Vigreux, Pattern-Multi",,1,,PKI donated
48,"Concentrator, 250mL",,1,,PKI donated
49,"Concentrator, 500mL",,1,,PKI donated
50,"Condenser, Allihn, 24/38",,1,,PKI donated
51,"Condenser, Allihn, 24/40, 300mm",,1,,PKI donated
52,"Condenser, Allihn, Drip – Tip",,1,,PKI donated
53,"Condenser, Allihn, Rotary Evaporator",,1,,PKI donated
54,"Condenser, Coiled-Distillation",,1,,PKI donated
55,"Condenser, Graham, Drip Tip, 19/38",,1,,PKI donated
56,"Condenser, Graham, TS-Joint, 55/50",,1,,PKI donated
57,"Condenser, Leibig, Drip – tip",,1,,PKI donated
58,"Condenser, Leibig, Drip tip, 24/40, 41x 300mm",,1,,PKI donated
59,"Condenser, West Drip Tip, 55/50",,1,,PKI donated
60,"Condenser, with Still Head",,1,,PKI donated
61,Connecting Bulb for Kjeldal,,1,,PKI donated
62,"Connecting Tube, Clasein, 24/29",,1,,PKI donated
63,"Cuvette, Glass, 3.5mL capacity",Mars Lab,8,,
64,"Cylinder, Graduated, 1000mL",Pyrex,1,,
66,"Cylinder, Graduated, 100mL",Mars Lab,52,4,
67,"Cylinder, Graduated, 10mL",Pyrex,7,,
69,"Cylinder, Graduated, 25mL",Pyrex,10,,
70,"Cylinder, Graduated, 50mL",Pyrex,5,,
72,"Cylinder, Graduated, 250mL",Mars Lab,10,,
72,"Cylinder, Graduated,Plastic 100mL",,1,,
73,"Dessicator, Glass, 10.4in.(O.D) x 8.11in.",,1,,
74,"Dessicator, Glass, 10.5in.(O.D) x 8.30in.",,1,,
75,"Dessicator, Glass, 10.5in.(O.D) x 9.23in.",,1,,
76,"Dessicator, Glass, 12.6in.(O.D) x 12.7in.",,1,,
77,"Dessicator, Glass, 6.63in.(O.D) x 6.00in.",,1,,
78,"Dessicator, Glass, 6.74in.(O.D) x 6.16in.",,1,,
79,"Dessicator, Glass, 7,500mL",Mars Lab,4,,
80,"Dessicator, Glass, 8.63in.(O.D) x 7.91in.",,1,,
81,"Dessicator, Glass, 8.67in.(O.D) x 7.61in.",,1,,
82,"Dessicator, Glass, 8.92in.(O.D) x 6.89in.",,1,,
83,"Dessicator, Glass, 8.93in.(O.D) x 9.10in.",,1,,
84,"Distillation Set up, Distilling Flask(1000mL) and Condenser",Mars Lab,3,,
85,"Distilling Flask, 1000mL",Pyrex,6,,
86,"Distilling Flask, Round Bottom, 100mL",,3,,
87,"Distilling Reciever, Dean Stark",,2,,
92,"Flask, Centrifuge, TS-Joint, 1000mL",,1,,PKI donated
93,"Flask, Centrifuge, TS-Joint, 1000mL",Vidrex,2,,
94,"Flask, Conical 500mL",Mars Lab,20,,
95,"Flask, Distilling, Round Bottom, 1000mL",,1,,PKI donated
96,"Flask, Distilling, Round Bottom, 1000mL",Pyrex,1,,
98,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Low Actinic, 250mL",Pyrex,4,,
99,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 1000mL",Pyrex,5,,
11,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 125mL",Pyrex,11,,
103,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 250mL",Pyrex,9,,
105,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 300mL",Pyrex,3,,
63,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 500mL",Pyrex,63,6,
116,"Flask, Kjeldal, 200mL",,8,,
117,"Flask, Kjeldal, 500mL",,1,,
118,"Flask, Kjeldal, 500mL",Mars Lab,33,,
119,"Flask, Pear Shape, Shortneck, 1000mL",Pyrex,4,,
120,"Flask, Pear Shape, Shortneck, 100mL",Pyrex,8,,
121,"Flask, Pear Shape, Shortneck, 500mL",Pyrex,5,,
122,"Flask, Pear Shape, Shortneck, 50mL",Pyrex,2,,
131,"Flask, Volumetric, 100mL",Pyrex,7,,
132,"Flask, Volumetric, 100mL",Mars Lab,4,,
134,"Flask, Volumetric, 200mL",Pyrex,4,,
136,"Flask, Volumetric, 250mL",Pyrex,15,,
139,"Flask, Volumetric, 500mL",Pyrex,1,,
141,"Flask, Volumetric, 50mL",Pyrex,1,,
142,"Flask, Volumetric, 50mL",Mars Lab,7,,flasks have a broken stoppers
143,"Funnel, Dropping, 1000mL",Pyrex,1,,PKI donated
145,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 100mL",Vidrex,3,,
147,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 250mL",Mars Lab,23,,
148,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 500mL",Pyrex,11,,
149,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 500mL",Pyrex,1,,
149,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 50mL",Pyrex,1,,
150,"Funnel, Short Stem, 100mm",Pyrex,4,,
152,"Funnel, Short Stem, 60° angle",Mars Lab,23,,
171,"Pipet, Measuring, 10mL",Mars Lab,11,,
172,"Pipet, Measuring, 1mL",,3,,
174,"Pipet, Measuring, 25mL",,19,,
190,"Pycnometer, 25mL",Mars Lab,1,,
192,Recovery Bend w/ 2 Vertical Cones,,1,,
194,"Slide Glass, 100pcs. Per box",Matsunami,8,,
197,"Slide Glass, 72pcs. Per pack",Sail Brand,1,,
198,"Soxhlet Extraction Tube, TS-Joint, 34/28",Vidrex,4,,
199,"Soxhlet Extraction Tube, TS-Joint, Large",,12,,
200,Stirring Rod,,5,,
221,Tilting Dispense,,5,,
223,"Watch Glass, 100mm dia. ",Mars Lab,50,,
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
1,"Beaker, 1000mL",,2,,
3,"Beaker, 100mL",,148,3,
6,"Beaker, 150mL",,48,,
8,"Beaker, 250mL",,132,8,
11,"Beaker, 400mL",,26,,
14,"Beaker, 50mL",,122,3,
15,"Beaker, 500mL",,1,,
16,"Beaker, 600mL",,14,,
17,"Beaker, 800mL",,1,,
38,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 100mL",,13,,
40,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 25mL",,9,,
41,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 50mL",,11,,
64,"Cylinder, Graduated, 250mL",,7,,
65,"Cylinder, Graduated, 100mL",,38,2,
67,"Cylinder, Graduated, 10mL",,44,1,
69,"Cylinder, Graduated, 25mL",,16,1,
70,"Cylinder, Graduated, 50mL",,20,2,
84,"Distillation Set up, Distilling Flask(1000mL) and Condenser",,3,,
99,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 1000mL",,18,,
100,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 125mL",,37,2,
102,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 2000mL",,2,,
103,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 250mL",,52,4,
105,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 300mL",,21,,
106,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 500mL",,41,,
112,"Flask, Filtering 500mL",,11,2,
129,"Flask, Volumetric, 1000mL",,10,,
131,"Flask, Volumetric, 100mL",,,,
132,"Flask, Volumetric, 100mL",,38,,
134,"Flask, Volumetric, 200mL",,5,,
137,"Flask, Volumetric, 250mL",,10,,
139,"Flask, Volumetric, 500mL",,15,,
141,"Flask, Volumetric, 50mL",,11,,
146,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 250mL",,13,1,
148,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 500mL",,2,,
151,"Funnel, Short Stem, 50mm",,28,1,
163,"Petridish with cover, Glass, 100x15mm",,23,,
165,"Petridish without cover, Glass, 100x15mm",,3,,
166,"Petridish, with cover, Glass,140mmx17mm",,3,,
167,"Petridish, with cover, Glass,60mmx15mm",,5,,
168,"Petridish, without cover, Glass,140x17mm",,7,,
171,"Pipet, Measuring, 10mL",,15,,
172,"Pipet, Measuring, 1mL",,11,,
174,"Pipet, Measuring, 25mL",,12,,
176,"Pipet, Measuring, 2mL",,4,,
178,"Pipet, Measuring, 5mL",,5,,
179,"Pipet, Volumetric 15mL",,2,,
180,"Pipet, Volumetric, 10mL",,22,1,
181,"Pipet, Volumetric, 1mL",,2,,
182,"Pipet, Volumetric, 20mL",,1,,
186,"Pipet, Volumetric, 50mL",,2,,
187,"Pipet, Volumetric, 5mL",,4,,
189,"Pycnometer, 25mL",,8,,
200,Stirring Rod,,64,,
223,"Watch Glass, 100mm dia. ",,46,,
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
3,"Beaker, 100mL",,27,,
6,"Beaker, 150mL",,2,,
8,"Beaker, 250mL",,116,,
11,"Beaker, 400mL",,185,,
15,"Beaker, 50mL",,30,,
20,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 1000mL",,6,,
21,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 1000mL",Mars Lab,15,,
22,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 100mL",,13,,
23,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 2000mL",,5,,
24,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 2500mL",,2,,
25,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 5000mL",,6,,
26,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, NM, 500mL",,32,,
27,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, WM, 250mL",,11,,
28,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, WM, 40mL",,3,,
29,"Bottle Reagent, Clear, WM, 500mL",,4,,
30,"Bottle, BOD, 100mL",,12,,
31,"Bottle, BOD, 300mL",,48,26,
32,"Bottle, Media, 250mL",,6,,
33,"Bottle, Media, 500mL",,2,,
,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 100mL",,5,,
41,"Buret, Teflon Stopcock, 50mL",,84,,
64,"Cylinder, Graduated, 100mL",,36,,
65,"Cylinder, Graduated, 10mL",,38,,
67,"Cylinder, Graduated, 250mL",,3,,
70,"Cylinder, Graduated, 50mL",,28,,
84,"Distillation Set up, Distilling Flask(1000mL) and Condenser",,5,,
99,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 1000mL",,17,,
100,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 125mL",,13,,
102,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 2000mL",,7,,
103,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 250mL",,68,,
105,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 300mL",,1,,
106,"Flask, Erlenmeyer, Narrowmouth, 500mL",,9,,
112,"Flask, Filtering 500mL",,55,,
124,"Flask, Round Bottom, Longneck, 500mL",,19,,
132,"Flask, Volumetric, 100mL",,7,,
139,"Flask, Volumetric, 500mL",,20,,
146,"Funnel, Separatory, Pear Shape, 250mL",,23,,
162,Nitrogen Distillation Apparatus,,1,,
174,"Pipet, Measuring, 25mL",,37,,
189,"Pycnometer, 25mL",,19,,
200,Stirring Rod,,68,,
194,"Slide Glass, 100pcs. Per box",Matsunami,10,,
195,"Slide Glass, 100pcs. Per box",Mars Lab,18,,
196,"Slide Glass, 50pcs. Per pack",Toshinriko,1,,
197,"Slide Glass, 72pcs. Per pack",Sail Brand,1,,
198,"Soxhlet Extraction Tube, TS-Joint, 34/28",Vidrex,4,,
199,"Soxhlet Extraction Tube, TS-Joint, Large",,12,,
202,Test Tube with Stopper 10mL,Mars Lab,18,,
203,Test Tube with screw caps 30mL,Mars Lab,236,,
204,"Test Tube, 10mL",Mars Lab,1924,45,
205,"Test Tube, 12mm OD x 120mmL",Hach,400,42,
206,"Test Tube, 12mm OD x 7mmL",,60,,
207,"Test Tube, 13mm OD x 110mmL",,88,,
208,"Test Tube, 13mm OD x 75mmL",,5,,
209,"Test Tube, 15mm OD x 100mmL",,16,,
210,"Test Tube, 16mm OD x 100mmL",,65,,
211,"Test Tube, 16mm OD x 125mmL",,191,20,
212,"Test Tube, 16mm OD x 60mmL",,64,,
213,"Test Tube, 18mm OD x 165mmL",,98,,
214,"Test Tube, 18mm OD x 16mmL",,54,,
215,"Test Tube, 20mL",Mars Lab,237,,
216,"Test Tube, 25mm OD x 200mmL",,81,,
217,"Test Tube, 50mL",Mars Lab,90,,
218,"Test Tube, Borosilicate Glass, 10/15",,2,,
219,"Test Tube, Borosilicate Glass, 100mL",,34,,
220,"Test Tube, Borosilicate Glass, 50mL",,55,,
223,"Watch Glass, 100mm dia. ",,86,23,
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1,Alcohol Lamp,Mars Lab,20,,
2,"Basin, Plastic, 12inch Dia.",Mars Lab,1,,
3,"Bottle, Washing, Assorted, 500mL",Mars Lab,83,,
4,"Brush, Test Tube, Nylon, Regular",,12,,
5,Bunsen Burner,Mars Lab,53,,
6,"Clamp, Double Buret",Mars Lab,70,,
7,"Clamp, Extension",,268,,
8,"Clamp, Holder",Mars Lab,108,,
9,Conductivity Apparatus,Mars Lab,76,,
10,"Crucible Tong, 9 ¾cm",,68,,
11,"Crucible with cover,Porcelain 30mL",Mars Lab,76,,
14,"Iron Ring, 117mm I.D",Mars Lab,46,,
16,"Mortar & Pestle, Porcelain, 400mL Vol.",Mars Lab,20,,
17,"Spot Plate, Porcelain, 12 Crates",Mars Lab,92,,
18,Test Tube Holder,Mars Lab,244,,
19,"Test Tube Rack, Stainless, 50holes (ID)",,131,,
20,"Test Tube Rack, Stainless, 50holes (ID), Big",,16,,
21,"Thermometer, Alcohol -10° - 350°C",Mars Lab,119,,
22,"Thermometer, Mercury -10° - 350°C",Mars Lab,113,,
23,Triple Beam Balance,Mars Lab,28,,
24,Water Bath,Mars Lab,73,,
25,"Wire Gauze, Ceramic Centered, 5x5",Mars Lab,6,,
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
1,Alcohol Lamp,Mars Lab,9,1,
2,"Basin, Plastic, 12inch Dia.",Mars Lab,4,,
3,"Bottle, Washing, Assorted, 500mL",Mars Lab,67,4,
4,"Brush, Test Tube, Nylon, Regular",,47,12,
5,"Bulb, Aspirator, Orange, Pointed Tip",,33,16,
6,Bunsen Burner,Mars Lab,15,4,
7,"Clamp, Double Buret",Mars Lab,26,,
8,"Clamp, Extension",,30,3,
9,"Crucible Tong, 9 ¾cm",,37,,
10,"Crucible with cover,Porcelain 30mL",Mars Lab,82,34,
11,"Crucible, Metal w/o cover, 30mL",,8,,
12,"Evaporating dish, 120mL",Mars Lab,22,15,
13,"Forceps, Stainless",Mars Lab,10,3,
14,Funnel Stand,,9,,
15,"Funnel, Buchner, 200mm",,5,,
16,"Hot Plate, Single Burner",Mars Lab,5,1,
17,"Hydrometer, range: 1.000 tp 1.070",Mars Lab,,,
18,"Iron Ring, 117mm I.D",Mars Lab,24,,
19,Iron Stand,Mars Lab,26,,
20,"Iron Wire Triangles, 3.8(1.5)cm(in.)",,9,4,
21,"Mortar & Pestle, Porcelain, 400mL Vol.",Mars Lab,28,,
22,"Spot Plate, Porcelain, 12 Crates",Mars Lab,19,,
23,"Spot Plate, Porcelain, 12 Holes, Plastic",,5,4,
24,Test Tube Holder,Mars Lab,31,,
25,"Test Tube Rack, Stainless, 50holes (ID), ",,34,,
26,"Thermometer, Alcohol -10° - 350°C",Mars Lab,44,12,
27,"Thermometer, Mercury -10° - 350°C",Mars Lab,29,11,
28,Triple Beam Balance,Mars Lab,11,,
29,Water Bath,Mars Lab,21,5,
30,"Wire Gauze, Ceramic Centered, 5x5",Mars Lab,60,45,
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
1,Alcohol Lamp,Mars Lab,20,,
2,"Basin, Plastic, 12inch Dia.",Mars Lab,1,,
3,"Bottle, Washing, Assorted, 500mL",Mars Lab,83,,
4,"Brush, Test Tube, Nylon, Regular",,12,,
5,Bunsen Burner,Mars Lab,53,,
6,"Clamp, Double Buret",Mars Lab,70,,
7,"Clamp, Extension",,268,,
8,"Clamp, Holder",Mars Lab,108,,
9,Conductivity Apparatus,Mars Lab,76,,
10,"Crucible Tong, 9 ¾cm",,68,,
11,"Crucible with cover,Porcelain 30mL",Mars Lab,76,,
14,"Iron Ring, 117mm I.D",Mars Lab,46,,
16,"Mortar & Pestle, Porcelain, 400mL Vol.",Mars Lab,20,,
17,"Spot Plate, Porcelain, 12 Crates",Mars Lab,92,,
18,Test Tube Holder,Mars Lab,244,,
19,"Test Tube Rack, Stainless, 50holes (ID)",,131,,
20,"Test Tube Rack, Stainless, 50holes (ID), Big",,16,,
21,"Thermometer, Alcohol -10° - 350°C",Mars Lab,119,,
22,"Thermometer, Mercury -10° - 350°C",Mars Lab,113,,
23,Triple Beam Balance,Mars Lab,28,,
24,Water Bath,Mars Lab,73,,
25,"Wire Gauze, Ceramic Centered, 5x5",Mars Lab,6,,
Reference in a new issue